A framework for music analysis/resynthesis based on matrix factorization
This webpage contains sound examples corresponding to the paper with the above title, published at ICMC 2014.A corresponding software tool can be downloaded here.
Sound 1: Random scramble with K=20
Input (excerpt from "Tristan und Isolde" by R. Wagner) Output -
Sound 2: Random scramble with K=20
Input (excerpt from "A German Requiem" by J. Brahms) Output
Sound 3: Direct ranking (increasing brighness against increasing sparsity), K=50
Input (excerpt from "Computer World" by Kraftwerk) Output -
Sound 4: Inverse ranking (increasing brighness against decreasing sparsity), K=50
Input Output
Constrained scramble
Sound 5: Scramble constrained to low-brightness components, K=20
Input Output
Common inputs for all cross-synthesis examples:
Source Target -
Sound 6: Cross-synthesis based on spectral similarity, injective mapping, Ks=30, Kt=30
Output -
Sound 7: Cross-synthesis based on spectral similarity, merge mapping, Ks=30, Kt=30
Constrained cross-synthesis
Sound 9: Cross-synthesis based on spectral similarity, high-brightness target spectra discarded, injective mapping, Ks=30, Kt=30
Output -
Sound 9b: Cross-synthesis based on spectral similarity, high-brightness target spectra discarded, merge mapping, Ks=30, Kt=30
Wiener-based resynthesis
Common input for sounds 10 and 11:
Input -
Sound 10: Direct ranking, K=50, Griffin and Lim resynthesis
Output -
Sound 11: Direct ranking, K=50, Wiener resynthesis (=Sound 3)