Factorsynth prototype versions

On this page you can find old versions of Factorsynth. For the current version, see here.

These versions are not real-time capable and were intended for offline creation of sounds. They are also quite unstable.

They are distributed as freeware for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license, version 4.0 (International).

Old Max versions (Mac OS):
3/3/2017 v0.4
30/8/2016 v0.3

Old command-line versions (Mac OS):
v0.22 7/6/2016 factorsynth-v0.22.zip
v0.21 31/5/2016 factorsynth-v0.21.zip
v0.2 19/5/2015 factorsynth-v0.2.zip
v0.1 30/8/2014 factorsynth-v0.1.zip




The following publications concern the prototype versions of Factorsynth:

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